Francis Joseph, 1854
Francis Joseph (1830-1916) was emperor of Austria and king
of Hungary. He was the last noteworthy ruler of the Hapsburg Empire. Born on
Aug. 18, 1830, at Schönbrunn (Vienna), the elder son of Archduke Francis
Charles, who was the second son of Emperor Francis I (Holy Roman emperor
Francis II), Francis Joseph (German, Franz Josef) was not in direct line of
succession. Yet, because his mentally impaired uncle Ferdinand I proved
childless, Francis was immediately viewed and educated as an heir presumptive.
Proclaimed emperor after Ferdinand’s abdication on Dec. 2,
1848, Francis Joseph began his rule by subduing a series of revolutions in his
realm. The most serious of these, the Hungarian revolution, he crushed with
Russian help. Then, after this dearly won victory, he had to reconstruct his
near-defunct empire. Begun under the aegis of a constitution (March 4, 1849),
this reconstruction continued throughout the 1850s, although in 1851
constitutionalism was replaced by a system of absolutist centralism.
Foreign-policy reverses during the 1850s, however, compelled
Francis Joseph to reconsider his position on constitutionalism. Thus there soon
ensued a period of constitutional experiments (‘‘October Diploma’’ of 1860 and
‘‘February Patent’’ of 1861) which kept the empire’s political life in a
constant state of crisis up to 1867. These crises, together with Austria’s
expulsion from Italy and Germany (1866), convinced Francis Joseph of the
necessity of coming to terms with his subjects. He opted for a compromise with
the strongest nationality, the Magyars. The result was the Austro-Hungarian
Compromise (Ausgleich) of 1867, which brought about the dualistic
reconstruction of the empire (Austria-Hungary), with both halves receiving
their own constitutional governments and internal autonomy, and their common
affairs being reduced to matters of foreign and military policy and some
Although the new political structure was much more favorable
for the evolution of political democracy and capitalism than the previous
absolutist system, it still preserved the hegemony of the earlier ruling
classes. Francis Joseph did not regard the compromise as an ideal solution, but
he fought all attempts to alter it for fear of disrupting the unity of his
empire. The weakness of this arrangement was revealed not only in the continued
rivalry between the two partners but also in the growth of German-Czech
national antagonism and extremism in Bohemia and in the increasingly bellicose
Serbian irredentism.
Having been pushed out of Italy and Germany, the empire
under Francis Joseph became increasingly active in the Balkans, which resulted
in its occupation (1878) and later annexation (1908) of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
This policy, however, soon placed Austria-Hungary on a direct collision course
with Russia, forcing Francis Joseph to seek support in Bismarckian Germany in
the form of the Dual Alliance (1879). This alliance later proved to be the
first step in the direction of the political polarization of Europe, a
polarization that, together with the nationality struggle in the Danubian and
Balkan region, was of decisive importance in the outbreak of World War I and
the dissolution of the empire.
Francis Joseph was a man of simple tastes. His political
thinking was as uncomplicated and simple as his private life. He was basically
a benevolent despot, unable to grasp the meaning and purpose of modern
ideologies and popular political institutions. At the same time he was devoted
to duty, to honor, and to the welfare of his people. Above all, he believed in
the calling and destiny of his beleaguered dynasty. His death at Schönbrunn
on Nov. 21, 1916, signaled the passing of an age.
Further Reading
The best works about Francis Joseph are the products of Austro- German
historiography. Fortunately, a number of them have also appeared in English. Of
these, Josef Redlich, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria: A Biography (1929), is
undoubtedly the best and most readily available account. Karl Tschuppik, The
Reign of the Emperor Francis Joseph, 1848-1916 (trans. 1930), is also
excellent. Valuable, but not of the same caliber, are Albert Margutti, The
Emperor Francis Joseph and His Times (1921), and Eugene Bagger, Francis Joseph:
Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary (1927). Chester Wells Clark, Franz Joseph
and Bismarck: The Diplomacy of Austria before the War of 1866 (1934), and
Charles W. Hallberg, Franz Joseph and Napoleon III, 1852-1864 (1955), are
excellent monographs, but they deal only with certain limited aspects of
Francis Joseph’s reign. Among the popular works on the Emperor’s family and
personal life is Bertita Harding, Golden Fleece: The Story of Franz Joseph and
Elizabeth of Austria (1937).